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100% Home Together Mortgage Program

Only available through MSDFCU

We offer the perfect win-win opportunity for you to finance 100% of your mortgage with the help of a qualified family member!* Our 100% Home Together Mortgage Program is exclusive to MSDFCU and works as follows:

  • Home Buyer can finance 100% of the Purchase Price or Appraised Value (whichever is lower).
  • Family Member* pledges a 10% down payment to be kept on deposit at MSDFCU in a 1-year Certificate share account.
  • PMI (private mortgage insurance) for the home buyer will be based on a 90% LTV (loan-to-value).
  • Once the mortgage is paid down to 90% LTV (and the loan is in good standing), the pledged funds held on deposit plus any interest that has accumulated are returned to the pledgor.

Please contact us to find out additional details and qualifying information. With everyone working together, we will make your dreams of owning a new home a reality!

* Qualified Family Members include borrower's spouse, child or other dependent, or by any other individual who is related to the borrower by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal guardianship; or a fiancé or domestic partner.